
How do I find the image I need?
You can obviously search the available images by scrolling through the different “breed” galleries, but the most effective way to find the perfect image for your project is using our meticulous keywords. Please see the NAVIGATION TIPS page for the most effective way to utilize these keywords.

I see images with leashes and long-lines on the dogs. Do you remove these?
Absolutely! Leashes and lines are always professionally removed before delivery of your images, along with any other obviously distracting elements such as tear-staining, dandruff, etc.  Any other final editing and final tweaks (white balance, exposure, saturation, etc.) are carefully and professionally executed on every purchased image.

Also, with 15 years of experience in professional photo-editing and design, we are available to conduct any extra work on your images if required for reasonable fees.


What is a ‘Lightbox’ and how do I use it?
A Lightbox is like your personal ‘favorites' folder. Adding images to your Lightbox is done by clicking on the check-mark on thumbnails or using the Add to Lightbox button under individual photos.

When you want to see your compiled personal Lightbox, use the left slide Menu, and go to My Lightbox. Images can be added and removed from your folder.
You can assign your Lightbox a specific name, allowing for multiple Lightboxes for your different projects!
There is also a window where you can add custom notes about the images, your project, notes to your collaborators , notes to SDSP, etc. You also have the ability to email your Lightbox to other members on your team, your client, your project manager, whoever you need to.

At the bottom of your Lightroom you will find a link to ‘Request a quotation...’ which will allow you to send SDSP the images, including comments.


Can I download the images?
Feel free to use the Low-res file button on any image to download a comping image for your project's mockups. If you require larger sized images for your mockups and image-research, please contact us.

Can I download the high-resolution version?
Because all SDSP images are rights-managed, photos cannot be purchased and downloaded online. Image licenses and fees are determined based on an individual basis – see the RIGHTS & FEES page for info – so contact us with your specific needs and project requirements.


How are my purchased images delivered?
Once your project’s contract has been negotiated and fees determined, a contract is drawn and images can be prepped for your specific needs. Finished images are then delivered using an online platform, making your finished photos easily accessible.


Are your images available for use on my website or blog?
Provided the image(s) of your choice is not currently under contract, all SDSP images are available for any usage, including websites, blogs, and any other online marketing. Typical usage fees apply. (See RIGHTS & FEES page.)


Do you offer Royalty-Free images?
No, our premium, high-quality images are offered as Rights-Managed only. This means that your licensed images stand out as one-of-a-kind, especially since SDSP offers exclusivity at little or no extra cost depending on your contract. You can read more about the different rights, usages, and fees on the RIGHTS & FEES page.


How much will it cost me to license an image?
Every project and contract is unique, and various aspects factor into the calculation of your license. See the RIGHTS & FEES page for more information.


Do all of your images have model releases?
Yes. Model releases are available for all images. In spite of pets still being considered “property”, SDSP knows that it is only a matter of time before laws recognize that our 4-leggers will be considered the family they truly are!


If you have any questions beyond what is addressed here, please do not hesitate to contact us via the CONTACT page! We look forward to working with you and answering your unique needs for high-quality animal photography!